Published on August 21, 2004 By Ariadne Calzanti In Blogging
Insomnia is great, isn't it? I sit here at 6.30am, waiting for sleep to arrive, and I think it could be on the way. I know when I go to my bed soon that when I get into it, my head will still be swarming with ideas, and will take probably an hour or so to settle before I can drift off. I've always been this way - I want to go to sleep, but my head won't let me!

Sorry for the ramble, folks.

I went up to the Midlands last weekend, to visit my inlaws. Unfortunately for me, I had just started getting a cold, and by the time I had driven there my nose was streaming and I had almost lost my voice! I spent the weekend there, then when I got home my voice was back to normal. Where's the fairness in that?! I now may have caught a sickness and diarrohea bug that had been making the rounds, but hopefully it was just a icky belly last night. Cross fingers for me! Can't afford to get a bug like that at the moment...

Sorry about the TOTAL ramble, but my head is not quite screwed on properly at the moment...


on Aug 21, 2004
It sucks major I can sympathise with you as a fellow sufferer of it =/ Well hopefully not tonight but randomly I seem to have that lovely all night brain on speed type syndrome...

It sucks and hope you get to sleep soon!!
on Aug 22, 2004
Couldn't sleep when I did get to bed as I had a bad cough!! DIdn't get off to sleep until at least 9.30, then had to be up at 2.45pm to get to work Sucky sucky suck suck!!

on Aug 23, 2004

Or it could be that the symptons was due anxiety in visiting the in-laws.

on Aug 24, 2004
Hah! No, that's not the problem - they're lovely But thanks for the thought! I think it's just because I have to be lumbered with something annoying, and at the moment it's insomnia. Although, touch wood/cross fingers/spin round three times (if that floats your boat!), I've been OK since then! Looking forward to my bed later...
