Well, hi there everyone. I'm Aria, or Ariadne, and I'm new to this JoeUser lark, so please be kind! There's certainly some interesting stuff on this site. It will take me a long while to read it all!

So, I think I will tell you all a little about me, just to get started.

I am a 28, soon to be 29 year old female, and bored. I own/jointly manage a small cafe/restaurant in the South West of England with my long term partner Fin. I mostly enjoy reading, but can be persuaded to go out and enjoy myself from time to time! So, that is a very basic outline of me, myself and I.

Who are you? I'm curious!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 27, 2004
Well, I go by BlueDev here, but my real name is Peter. Have been here for a few months now, but am one of the less prolific bloggers. I wrote a rather long article about myself over on my blog which you are welcome to read it here: Link

I am a 28 year old medical student just about to finish my first clerkship year. Have a wonderful family and am enjoying life.

Glad to have you here Aria (I love that name). Hope you stick around.

on Jul 27, 2004

Hi, I'm Dharma (Karen).

As the title of my blog suggests, I'm married to an Air Force cop who's at the end of a year long tour in the Arctic (he comes home in 2 weeks, yay!!!)...and then we're moving to Illinois, where we'll hopefully remain for the rest of his career.

We have 3 kids...ages 11, 9 and 8.  Oh, and I'm British.

I like your name...we had a tarantula named Ariadne, after the Celtic goddess who span the entire universe out of a single thread....very cool!

on Jul 27, 2004
Why, thank you BlueDev! I like it myself : ) I shall go and read your post now so that I know a little more about you. Congrats on getting through your clerkship year!

on Jul 27, 2004
Hey Dharmagrl! Thanks for your reply! I'm pleased for you that your husband is coming home soon : ) But probably not as pleased as you, I'm sure!

Oh, and thank you for liking my name!

on Jul 27, 2004
Whats it like here? Lots of in fighting, lots of right wing conspiracy theories, lots of teenage angst and (very occaisionally) a good article.....forgive me, I am a little cynical at the moment. Enjoy your stay
on Jul 27, 2004
Well, Mr Gerry Atrick, thank you for the advice! I think I may avoid political issues as I have little to say on them, but otherwise I intend to enjoy myself : ) I hope you get a new lease of JU life soon!

on Jul 27, 2004
Welcome Ariadne....I also run a cafe(wish I owned) in Washington state. I just write little stories here and enjoy reading all the blogs around. There are so many good ones it is hard to keep up. Again, welcome.
on Jul 27, 2004
Thank you. I wish I didn't own mine! Too much responsibility sometimes, I suppose. Yes, I think I will get to like reading everyone's stories here! If I am ever in Washington State I will make sure to look you up : )

on Jul 27, 2004
Hi, I am Muggaz, I am the reason JU is famous!!!

- just joking

Welcome aboard, I look forward to your input! I dont think we have any other chicks here from England whose name is Ariadne, so, you are one of a kind!

I hope you enjoy your time here!

on Jul 27, 2004
Hey I'm wuxiaomao which is actually chinese for 5 small cat a very loose translation of my English name which is just Kat. I am also new here (just a few weeks) and am using this space as a launch pad for my writing about life as a foreigner in China. It's true there is a lot of teenage angst here..which does come off as rather cute at times...sigh...those were the days of zits and homework!! I am 25 and happily single..if such a thing exists!

on Jul 27, 2004
Muggaz - I'll be sure to look out for your work, then! I am the English Spiderwoman (fnar fnar)! Bam to you too...!

wuxiaomao - That seems like a mouthful! Do you have 5 small cats? : ) Teenage angst - oh, how I fondly remember it! lol!

Thanks for your welcomes, everyone : )

Aria (the newbie!)
on Jul 27, 2004
Well, must dash - I'll catch up with all you lovely people another time : )

on Jul 28, 2004
Welcome Adriadne! I'm sally (like you couldn't tell from the name!) and I'm also from England, Manchester. I look forward to reading more of your stuff, and welcome to JU
on Jul 28, 2004

hi aria. thanks for your comment in my blog. welcome to joe user

vanessa/mignuna XX
on Jul 28, 2004
Hello Aria! I'm Kayles, but that's not my real name. Welcome to Joeuser.
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