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Ariadne's World
These people have touched my heart
even if only briefly
Published on August 5, 2004 By
Ariadne Calzanti
I have been thinking a lot recently about the people that have been part of my life, even if only for a short time, and then passed away. I feel that I would like to write a list of their names so that I can remember them. All these people touched my heart and my life, and then were gone.
Kim Gedge (friend at primary school, sudden death from asian flu)
Daniel Heard (client, doing amazingly well on new schizophrenic meds, then stopped taking them and was found in a river, miles away)
My lost baby (I miscarried at approx 6 weeks)
Gladys Hawarth (my Nana)
Dave (a friend of my partner, only days before he died was worried that I didn't like him)
Geoffrey (old church choir aquaintence)
Richard Hemmett (client, passed yesterday)
John Fulkes (head of my 6th form)
John Ewens (organist at my childhood church)
Lawrence (preacher at my childhood church)
Midge (client, on morphine for her last days)
Nick Nicholls (teacher, and musical aquaintence. I sang at his funeral)
I think that this is it for the time being. There are others that go back a while that I can't remember the names of, but it will come to me, I'm sure. Some of these were friends, some teachers, some clients, and some don't really fall into any category. As I said, they all touched me in some way, and this is my tribute to them. God, this makes me so sad to think of them all
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on Aug 10, 2004
In spite of much sadness, the beauty of humanity is that has memory power to memorialize love ones and acquaintances, along with tributes to national heroes.
Ariadne Calzanti
on Aug 10, 2004
True. These people need to be remembered. Everyone needs to be remembered, or what is the point?
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